I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I don't know where to begin because there has been so much happening with us and especially Jessamyn. Whitney & Charlie came to be with us while Jessamyn went through delivery and placement. I picked them up in Spokane on Saturday, May 22. I could just eat Charlie up! So fun that he knows me so well now.

The kind doctors decided they would induce Jessamyn after softening her cervix on Monday night. When we got into the hospital Monday night, she was already dialated to a 4 and 75% effaced so they went ahead that night with the pitocin. She did fantastic!! I was so proud of how well she handled everything. We had a great nurse, Andrea, who told us what to expect and really listened to Jess. She got an epidural, which took half an hour, and then got it replenished a couple of other times. After 9 hours of labor and only 15 minutes of pushing - tada.....BEAUTIFUL BABY TIA is born at 4:47 am. She weighs 7.7 lbs and is 21" long. Dark hair, big hands with long fingers, and long feet. Truly beautiful. I wept as that innocent soul came into the room and they placed her on Jessamyn's chest who cried over and over again - "She's so beautiful! She's so beautiful!" And indeed - she is!