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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Legacy Photography of Jessamyn & Tia

Love Jessamyn holding Tia in her arms. The blanket was the one Laurel made upon her request - "i carry your heart with me - i carry it in my heart" - sooooo precious!

I love that Jessamyn is smiling down on Tia. This was just a couple of hours before she let her go, but she could still smile.

I thought this turned out beautiful. How we are all so enraptured with this child. My favorite part is how Tia is looking up at Jessamyn.

A tender moment for the two of them. Wrapped in their special blanket.

This is a unique picture with all the different elements. Tia was still long and lean at this point.

Joy Farr came and took professional photos before Tia was placed with her family. So glad Jessamyn thought to do this - they are so beautiful and so touching!

Sweet Photos with Tia

Minutes after her birth, Tia grabbed a hold of my finger and wouldn't let go!

As her face lost it's swelling, she looked more and more like Jessamyn.

Caught her with her eyes wide open. She slept 6 hours straight the first night and eats like a champ.

Plus, no fussing - so like Jessamyn was!

Love the "pop-eye" look she gave gramps.

Jessamyn was such a tender, loving mom. So attentive to Tia's every need and then some. I was so proud of her through all of this. She was fantastic! What a sacred experience to watch your daughter give birth. I will never forget how deeply that touched my heart.

We were so glad to have wonderful Whitney here to keep us all grounded. She is amazing! Her view of our lives and what would be most helpful is phenomenal. The more I get the opportunity to be in her presence the more awed I am by her mature and compassionate spirit. Love, love, love her!!
I got to spend Monday night going through labor with Jessamyn. It was better than I had expected. She was very tough. I read the last part of the last Fablehaven book to her when she was relaxed. She said it made her feel better. I just can't get over how amazing she was. Very much in control of her emotions and knew what she had to do.
After Tia's birth, Jessamyn stayed in the hospital Tuesday night. She asked me to come and stay with her which I was happy to do. I think Jessamyn didn't want Tia to not be in someone's arms. Our time with her was so short. Jessamyn held her almost constantly if she could. I was glad to be there to help her and it was a sweet time for me to spend with Tia as well.
After the placement, Jessamyn also wanted me to sleep with her. This is a sacred time for all of us. I didn't know I would feel this way. We hold each other and cry and talk until exhaustion carries us into a fitful sleep. How I love this girl of mine!
On one of the several nights that I spent sleeping with Jessamyn, she told me that this whole experience has done more for her than she had been able to see earlier. Now our relationship is so very sweet. She told me that I am her very best friend in the whole world. Be still my heart!! The Lord's tender mercies are so abundant in all of this. I have felt our relationship deepen as well and now after going through all of this side-by-side, it is indeed what I've always dreamed of and hoped for. Life is good! I have enough!!


I don't know where to begin because there has been so much happening with us and especially Jessamyn. Whitney & Charlie came to be with us while Jessamyn went through delivery and placement. I picked them up in Spokane on Saturday, May 22. I could just eat Charlie up! So fun that he knows me so well now.

The kind doctors decided they would induce Jessamyn after softening her cervix on Monday night. When we got into the hospital Monday night, she was already dialated to a 4 and 75% effaced so they went ahead that night with the pitocin. She did fantastic!! I was so proud of how well she handled everything. We had a great nurse, Andrea, who told us what to expect and really listened to Jess. She got an epidural, which took half an hour, and then got it replenished a couple of other times. After 9 hours of labor and only 15 minutes of pushing - tada.....BEAUTIFUL BABY TIA is born at 4:47 am. She weighs 7.7 lbs and is 21" long. Dark hair, big hands with long fingers, and long feet. Truly beautiful. I wept as that innocent soul came into the room and they placed her on Jessamyn's chest who cried over and over again - "She's so beautiful! She's so beautiful!" And indeed - she is!