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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Scripture Study

During Fast & Testimony Meeting this month, Cindy Burnett was telling about Vanessa having challenged their family to read the Book of Mormon by Mother's Day, when she would call home. Ever since hearing that, I knew that we needed those blessings that could come to our family for doing it. But how to convince Michael and Jessamyn. I stewed over it all night and into Monday. Monday before Jessamyn went to work she came to me and said, "Will you read the scriptures with me?" Oh, the tender mercies of the Lord!
Jessamyn asked her dad and then she told him how we should finish reading the Book of Mormon by the time she gives birth. He knows we all need this too. That means reading 7 pages every day. And so we are....
On Tuesday, Jessamyn came to me and asked if I would give her the lesson I teach in Gospel Essentials. It just happened to be on the Book of Mormon this past week.
We sat at the table and I presented her with the whole thing. We read from JSH, Title page, Introduction, talked about the Book of Mormon being the keystone of our religion. If it is true, then it's all true. She could see it.
The sweetest thing was that at the end of the lesson, I got to bear a powerful, albeit tearful testimony to my daughter of the Book of Mormon and the gospel message. It was one of the best things that has ever happened between the two of us. She felt it too and today our bond was strengthened. Oh, the tender mercies of the Lord!
I cannot say the hundreth part of what I feel - it is pure gratitude!!

Miracle of Miracles!!

"Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles..." It is all so interesting - the way we are presented opportunities for growth.
My darling, baby-girl Jessamyn, being now almost 7 months pregnant - has decided for herself that she wants the Savior in her life along with His gospel.
After listening to a CD by John Lund called "The Myth We Call Perfection," I can honestly say that some of my previous thinking has changed. He talks about how we fear for those who have heard the gospel and then rejected it. But what I like most about what he says is - who knows when someone has really "heard" it.
Just because Jessamyn grew up in my home where we tried to live the gospel and she was there doing it with us, to me that doesn't mean that it made it's way into her heart and her understanding. She dealt with so much other stuff along the way. Being adopted to her meant that someone didn't want her. She couldn't see that she was placed for adoption out of a greater amount of love than a lesser. She just could see that someone could give her up. These created such low feelings of self worth and lead to a lot of depression in her teen years.
What I'm saying is, I have a greater amount of compassion for everyone who has ever been in the church and could then leave it. I don't know what happens in those situations, but I do feel like the Lord will be way more merciful about them having a FULL chance to hear the gospel than I ever imagined before. His plan is a plan of salvation, not of damnation. And He is going to save every soul who will let Him.
And now, my Jessamyn, wants to try to work to do her part to save herself. She's also reading "Believing Christ" and can reiterate how if she pairs with the Savior, his perfection will save her despite her imperfections.
She can see now how much her birth mother truly loved her to be able to place her with a family who could give her more than she could at that time. Because that is just what Jessamyn is doing. She has been so committed and happy to place this baby girl with Eric & Brandi. She gets it now - it's love!! Her love for this child, and her birth-mother's love for her! Full circle!